Global Water Stewardship

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We are Stewards
for Water and People

The sanitation problem

Estimates note that 32% of the world’s population (2.4 billion people) lacked improved sanitation facilities in 2015.

Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills and sickens thousands of children every day, and leads to impoverishment and diminished opportunities for thousands more. Many countries lack the technical knowledge to develop and implement centralized sanitation solutions.

Message us

Public Education​

There is perhaps no effort as important as that of educating the public in the communities Global Water Stewardship strives to serve.

Student Design

Global Water Stewardship strives to develop long term wastewater solutions utilizing the creativity and ingenuity of students from multiple universities and student chapters.


Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills and sickens thousands…


Public Education

There is perhaps no effort as important as that of educating the public in the communities Global Water Stewardship strives to serve.


Student Design

Global Water Stewardship strives to develop long term wastewater solutions utilizing the creativity and ingenuity of students from multiple universities and student chapters.



Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills and sickens thousands


Public Education

There is perhaps no effort as important as that of educating the public in the communities Global Water Stewardship strives to serve.


Student Design

Global Water Stewardship strives to develop long term wastewater solutions utilizing the creativity and ingenuity of students from multiple universities and student chapters.



Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills and sickens thousands

What we do

Qualified Expert

Ut amet, risus aliquam sapien amet porta magna quam dictum arcu magna et dolor diam ultricies.

Flexible Schedule

Sem in eget faucibus massa arcu et elementum sed massa nulla dolor felis dictumst malesuada non.

Workmanship Quality

Ut amet, risus aliquam sapien amet porta magna quam dictum arcu magna et dolor diam ultricies.

Affordable Package

Sem in eget faucibus massa arcu et elementum sed massa nulla dolor felis dictumst malesuada non.

Quality Professionals

Ut amet, risus aliquam sapien amet porta magna quam dictum arcu magna et dolor diam ultricies.

Special Offer

Sem in eget faucibus massa arcu et elementum sed massa nulla dolor felis dictumst malesuada non.

Thank you to our sponsors

Commercial Projects
Residential Projects
Hard Working Employees
0 +
Happy Customers
Penatibus eros congue aliquet lectus in imperdiet vel mattis sed enim enim pulvinar posuere augue duis lorem lectus at facilisi in nibh at quam in justo, sit auctor morbi eget aliquam lorem gravida fringilla pretium vestibulum mauris.
John Allison
CEO of Manufacture Company
Erat elit et, amet eget morbi enim, potenti urna, blandit tincidunt faucibus eu diam tincidunt interdum pharetra et diam viverra lacinia integer quam iaculis facilisis viverra quam leo proin semper aenean morbi fames integer vitae ipsum.
Alicia Potter
Graphic Designer
Neque amet at sit elementum et proin lacus vestibulum amet bibendum purus dolor turpis platea sodales senectus purus donec elit molestie scelerisque amet nullam tincidunt arcu odio enim ut nunc vel, tristique dictumst adipiscing elit ultrices.
Edward B. Suarez
Song Writer


Your donation will improve sanitation in Central America.

Your donation will improve sanitation in Central America.

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